

天津市健康管理协会成立于2009年,是在天津市卫健委领导下,天津市社会组织管理局注册的法人社会团体,由从事健康体检的医疗机构、健康管理机构、健 康领域相关机构以及健康服务专业技术人员自愿组成,属非营利的专业性社会组织。2013年天津市民政局授予“4A级中国社会组织”。


协会创始人、第一届会长、荣誉会长田惠光教授(原全国政协常委、民革中央副主席、天津市政协副主席、天津市卫生局原副局长、天津医科大学博士生导师、 国务院特殊津贴专家);





遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德风尚、社会主义核心价值观,遵守职业道德;坚持实事求是,倡导“献身、创新、求实、协作”精神;组织和 团结全市健康领域工作者,促进我市健康管理事业的发展;普及健康知识,提高津民健康素养水平,为健康中国建设和促进国民经济发展做出贡献。



第二,贯彻卫生行政部门制定的相关政策法规,并根据健康管理的行业特点,建立行业标准,制定健康管理领域相关技术规范和工作指南;规范行业行为,带动 学术发展,促进公平竞争;

第三,为卫生行政部门制定健康管理行业发展规划、政策和行政法规提供数据支持和相关依据;向卫生行政部门提出健康服务发展中的意见和建议,维护会员的 合法权益;


第五,加强协会与各专委会以及会员单位之间的沟通与协调,密切各单位之间的联系,加强沟通合作,起到政府与行业、行业相关单位之间的桥梁纽带作用,促 进健康服务业协调发展;同时为会员单位提供行业发展信息、专业技术咨询指导、品牌产品推广、单位团队建设、人员健康教育、企事业单位人员健康管理等方面的具 体服务。

第六,建立并完善健康管理信息宣传平台,以及数字化培训及继续教育平台,传统媒介和数字化媒介相结合,既服务于津民大众健康,又作用于专业人员技能提 升。



1.2018年,国家认证认可监督管理委员会支持成立“HQCC中国健康管理标准化建设与认证委员会”。天津市健康管理协会作为牵头单位,2019年完成《SC18 健康管理服务技术》的规范备案;2021年完成了25 项“健康管理人员服务能力”认证标准,在全国开始了健康管理机构和人员的能力认证工作。

2.主编出版主编《健康管理和慢病防控》和《健康管理服务能力建设与认证实用手册》,对于提高人群慢病的防病意识和防病能力,规范健康管理机构和人员的 服务能力起到了很大的促进作用。

3.建立专家库,组织专家通过协会网站、微信公众平台、微信直播平台、广播电台、电视台、微课堂、线下主题活动、义诊咨询活动、公益创投项目等形式进行 健康知识传播;建立数字化培训系统,既提高了培训效率,有解决了特殊时期人员技能提升问题。

4.受天津市卫生健康委员会委托,协会自2014年开始进行健康管理师培训与组织考核工作,总计培训12次约一万余人;自2015年开始承担慢病防控培训项目, 到目前为止共培训社区医生2000余名;自2022年展开营养指导员培训项目,目前已组织2期培训和考核,此项工作正在进行中。

5.协助相关企业进行了十几项健康管理的适宜技术研究,包括健康教育实践、职场运动管理实践,糖尿病患者、肥胖高危人群、心血管高危人群的生活方式干预 实践,以及相关产品的促健作用实践等,出自于这些实践、贴近于实际生活的适宜技术,推动了健康管理服务的深入开展。


Tianjin Health Management Association

Nature of the Association

Tianjin Health Management Association was established in 2009. It is a non-profit professional social organization, which is a Corporate social group registered by Tianjin Social Organization Administration Bureau, under the leadership of Health Commission of Tianjin Municipality. It is composed of medical institutions, health management institutions, health related institutions and health service professionals voluntarily. In 2013, Tianjin Civil Affairs Bureau awarded "4A level Chinese Social Organization".

Members of the Association

The founder, first president and honorary president of the association, Professor Tian Huiguang (former Standing Committee Member of the CPPCC National Committee, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Revolution, Vice Chairman of the Tianjin CPPCC, former deputy Director of the Tianjin Health Bureau, doctoral supervisor of Tianjin Medical University,State Council special allowance expert);

The second and current (third Council) President, Professor Bai Yu (former President of the 464 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, President of Tianjin Heping Micro Medical Hospital);

10 vice presidents, 1 secretary general, 1 supervisor, 39 executive directors, 86 directors;

The association consists of 15 professional committees.

Purpose of the Association

Abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and state policies, observe social morality and core socialist values, observe professional ethics; Insist on seeking truth from facts and advocate the spirit of "dedication, innovation, truth-seeking and cooperation"; Organize and unite health workers in the city to promote the development of health management; Popularize health knowledge, improve the health literacy level of Tianjin people, and make contributions to the construction of Healthy China and promote the development of national economy.

Functions of the Association

First, strengthen the institutional system construction, improve the organizational management system, ensure the standardized operation of all work, and provide a good operating environment for the special committee and member units;

Second, implement the relevant policies and regulations formulated by the health administration departments, and establish industry standards and formulate relevant technical specifications and work guidelines in the field of health management according to the characteristics of the health management industry; Standardize industry behavior, promote academic development, and promote fair competition;

Third, to provide data support and relevant basis for health administration departments to formulate health management industry development plans, policies and administrative regulations; To put forward opinions and suggestions on the development of health services to the health administrative departments, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members;

Fourth, actively coordinate colleges and universities and scientific research units, medical institutions, and related enterprises to integrate, carry out scientific research, strengthen academic exchanges, and promote the development of health management;

Fifth, strengthen the communication and coordination between the association and the special committees and member units, close the contact between the units, strengthen communication and cooperation, play a bridge role between the government and the industry and the industry-related units, and promote the coordinated development of health service industry; At the same time to provide member units with industry development information, professional technical advice and guidance, brand product promotion, unit team building, personnel health education, enterprises and institutions personnel health management and other specific services.

Sixth, establish and improve the health management information publicity platform, as well as the digital training and continuing education platform, the combination of traditional media and digital media, not only to serve the public health of the people, but also to improve the skills of professionals;

Seventh, undertake the work entrusted by relevant departments.

Major Projects of the Association

1.In 2018, the National Certification and Accreditation Administration supported the establishment of the "HQCC China Health Management Standardization Construction and Certification Committee". Tianjin Health Management Association,as the lead unit, completed the normative filing of “SC18 Health Management Service Technology” in 2019; In 2021, 25 certification standards for the "service capability of health managers" were completed, and the certification of the competence of health management institutions and personnel has been initiated throughout the country.

2. Edited and published “Health Management and Chronic Disease Prevention and Control” and “Practical Manual of Health Management Service Capacity Building and Certification”, which has played a great role in promoting the awareness and ability of chronic disease prevention of the population and standardizing the service ability of health management institutions and personnel.

3.Established the expert database, and organized experts to disseminate health knowledge through the association website, wechat public platform, wechat live platform, radio station, TV station, micro-class, offline theme activities, free medical consultation activities, public venture projects etc. The establishment of digital training system not only improved the training efficiency, but also solved the problem of personnel skill upgrading in special period.

4.Entrusted by the Health Commission of Tianjin Municipality, the association began to train and evaluate health managers in 2014, with a total of 12 trainings for about 10,000 people; Since 2015, it has undertaken the chronic disease prevention and control training program, and has trained more than 2,000 community doctors so far. Since 2022, the nutrition instructor training program has been launched, and two training and assessment periods have been organized, and this work is in progress.

5.Assisted relevant enterprises to conduct more than a dozen appropriate technology researches on health management, including health education practice, workplace exercise management practice, lifestyle intervention practice for diabetes patients, obesity high-risk groups, cardiovascular high-risk groups, and health promotion practice of related products, etc. These appropriate technology promote the in-depth development of health management services.

Tianjin Health Management Association